
9-11 Feb 2024
Valentine activity ハッピーバレンタインデー!
Product tasting: February 2024
New Sukiyaki Soup
Product tasting: February 2024
New Nabe Soup Series (Miso)
9-11 Feb 2024
Valentine activity ハッピーバレンタインデー!
13-14 January at Donki
Product : Taberu Rayu, Furikake, Chopped Ginger , Nabe soup and Onigiri
Every Saturday - Sunday of December
Product : Furikake, Taberu Rayu, Ginger, Furikake, Nabe Soup, and Onigiri
Product tasting Nov 2023
Product: Taberu Rayu and Furikake
Don Don Donki J Park Sriracha Product tasting Nov 2023
Product: Nabe Soup
Fuji Super (Sukhumvit 39) Product tasting Nov 2023
Product: Taberu Rayu and Furikake
Don Don Donki Seacon Srinakarin Product tasting Nov 2023
Product: Taberu Rayu and Furikake
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